The Woodspeen

The Woodspeen

The Woodspeen — Woodspeen

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{ const dataAttribute = ‘data-e-bg-lazyload’; const lazyloadBackgrounds = document.querySelectorAll( `[${ dataAttribute }]:not(.lazyloaded)` ); const lazyloadBackgroundObserver = new IntersectionObserver( ( entries ) => { entries.forEach( ( entry ) => { if ( entry.isIntersecting ) { let lazyloadBackground =; const lazyloadSelector = lazyloadBackground.getAttribute( dataAttribute ); if ( lazyloadSelector ) { lazyloadBackground = lazyloadSelector ); } if( lazyloadBackground ) { lazyloadBackground.classList.add( ‘lazyloaded’ ); } lazyloadBackgroundObserver.unobserve( ); } }); }, { rootMargin: ‘100px 0px 100px 0px’ } ); lazyloadBackgrounds.forEach( ( lazyloadBackground ) => { lazyloadBackgroundObserver.observe( lazyloadBackground ); } ); }; const events = [ ‘DOMContentLoaded’, ‘elementor/lazyload/observe’, ]; events.forEach( ( event ) => { document.addEventListener( event, lazyloadRunObserver ); } ); ]]>


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